
Mostrando entradas de febrero, 2018

GRAMMAR: infinitive clauses with impersonal it

Function:     we use it's (not) + adjective + infinitive clause when we want to use the adjective to describe an action or situation. This means the same as using yhe gerund as a subject. it'simportant to eat properly.=Eating properly is important. IMPERSONAL IT “IT” is used to replace a clause or phrase at the the beginning of a sentences : >When an INFINITIVE is a subject of a sentence, we usually begin the sentence with “it” and put infinitive later. For examples: It is easy to criticize.  =  To criticize is easy. It is better to be early. = To be early is better. >When a GERUND as a subject of a sentence, we usually begin the sentence with “it” and put gerund later. For examples: It is easy talking. = Talking is easy. It is difficult answering your questions. = Answering your questions is difficult. >”iT” can be used similarly when the subject of a sentence is a clause.  It would be possible to say: That he has not returned is  stra

GRAMMAR: Verb + gerund/infinitive

El infinitivo Se utiliza: 1. Después de algunos verbos como: would like, agree, decide, choose, plan, refuse, hope, want, manage etc. I want to become a teacher. 2. Después de adjetivos: I’m happy to see you again. 3. Para expresar un objetivo o el porqué estamos haciendo una acción: I’m here to study English. // I have come to help you. NO es correcto decir *I’m here for to study English. Importante: La forma negativa del infinitivo es “not + infinitivo”: I’m happy not to see you again. El gerundio Se utiliza: 1. Después de algunos verbos: deny, avoid, can’t help, like, dislike, enjoy, mind, keep on, suggest, finish etc. He finished doing his homework. 2. Después de un preposición (normalmente se trata de verbos o adjetivos con preposición obligatoria): I’m interested in learning English. // I’m fond of playing tennis. En esta categoría entra también la típica fórmula del final de un email o de una carta: I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon. En e