Usaremos was/were going to para hablar sobre planes que hicimos en el pasado y no sucedieron o no sucederán en el futuro.

We are going to visit the Homers later that year, but we didn't go for some reason.
(Nosotros planeábamos visitar a los Homer pero no lo hicimos)
We were going to spend the weekend in Paris, but there was no free rooms.
(íbamos a pasar el fin de semana en París, pero no vamos a ir allí).

Usaremos was/were supposed to para hablar sobre cosas que nos pusimos de acuerdo para hacer, o que la gente espera que hagamos, pero que no hicimos.

Ana was supposed to book the cottage months ago, but she forgot.
(Acordamos que Ana reservaría la casa de campo, pero no lo hizo)
I was supposed to call you back, wasn't I? Sorry, Sam, I was out all day.
(Sam esperaba que su novia le devolviese la llamada, pero no lo hizo9

Después de was/were going to y was/were supposed to, siempre usamos infinitivos. Usamos estas frases para disculparnos y solemos incluir en ella las razones por lo que no lo hicimos.

Directions: Use "was going to" or "were going to " and the correct past tense verb for each sentence:

Example: A: Did you take out the trash?
                B: I was going to, but then the phone rang. (ring)

1. A: Is Dave coming to our party?
    B: He ______________________, but he _______________________ a babysitter for his kids. (can't find)
2. A: Are you making dinner tonight?
    B: I ________________________ until the power ________________ out. (go)
3. A: Is your daughter going to college?
    B: She ______________________, but she ___________________ to take a year off and travel first. (decide)
4. A: Is the teacher going to stay after class?
    B: He _______________________, but he ___________________ out he had a meeting to go to later. (find)
5. A: Are your neighbors going to sell their house?
    B: They ______________________ until the real estate market ___________________. (crash)
6. A: Are you going to buy a new computer?
    B: Well, I ____________________________ buy a new iMac until I __________________ my job. (lose)
7. A: What are Jim and Victoria doing tonight?
    B: They ____________________ see a movie, but instead they _____________ reservations at a restaurant. (make)
8. A: Did the plumber come to fix the toilet today.
    B: He _________________________ come this morning, but his truck _____________________ down. (break)
9. A: Did the kids do their homework yet?
    B: They ___________________________do it until Uncle Joe __________________ by for a surprise visit. (come)
10. A: Did I pay the credit card bill yet this month? I can't remember.
      B: No, you didn't. You said you ______________________ wait until you _____________________. (get paid)


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GRAMMAR: infinitive clauses with impersonal it


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