So, such, too, enough

Too means there is a lot of something. It shows a negative opinion
It’s too hot = It is very hot and I don’t like it.
You can use too before an adjective.
It’s too cold. My trousers are too small.
You can also use it before an adverb,
You walk too fast. James speaks too quietly.
Before a noun, use too much (uncountable nouns) or many (countable nouns).
I ate too much food.
I ate too many sandwiches.
You can also use too much after a verb.
I ate too much.
Paul drinks too much.


Enough means you have what you need.
We have enough food for everyone = everyone has some food.
We don’t have enough food for everyone = some people don’t have chairs.
Write enough before a noun.
We have enough chairs.
But write it after an adjective or verb.
Are you warm enough?  He’s qualified enough. She isn’t tall enough to be a model.

You don’t work hard enough. Are you sleeping enough?
Sentences with enough are sometimes followed by to + verb infinitive.
I’m not tall enough to reach the book.
I haven’t got enough money to buy that coat.


So means very.
It’s so hot!

So is generally used before an adjective or an adverb.
He’s so funny! He plays the piano so well!
However, in modern English, it is increasingly being used before nouns and verbs.
That dress is so last year! (= That dress is last year’s fashion)
I’m so going to shout at him when I see him! (so = really)
So can be used with a that clause, to show a result of the first clause.
I was so hot that I couldn’t sleep.


Such also means very. Such is used before an adjective and noun.
They are such nice children.  

A / an, if necessary, go after such, not before.
That’s a such pretty dress. => That’s such a pretty dress!
Like So, Such can be used with a that clause, to show a result of the first clause.
I was such a nice day that we decided to go to the park.

Excercise 1

Complete using so or such.
1. The pan was ________________hot that I nearly dropped it!
2. Mr. Jones was ________________a kind man that I was sad when he moved to another town.
3. We have ________________many pets that sometimes it's really noisy.
4. Alicia is ________________good at basketball that I think she could be a professional.
5. There was _________________a lot of smoke that I couldn't see.
6. Tyrone ran ___________________fast that no one had a chance in the race.
7. Cherie is _____________________popular that everyone wants to be friends with her.
8. Would you like to have __________________long hair that you can sit on it?
Exercise 2
Choose between so, such, too and enough so that the text make sense.
I'll never forget my first day at work. It was _____________a disaster that I lost my job! The boss explained what I had to do, but she did it __________quickly that I didn't understand. I wasn't brave _____________to ask her to repeat it, so I pretended I knew what to do. It wasn't difficult at first - just putting numbers into a computer. Soon, though, I was _____________busy that I started to make more and more mistakes. I made ______________a lot of mistakes that the other workers noticed. They tried to help me, but it was ______________late. In the end, I just had ________________much to do that I gave up. I sat there and stared at my computer for two hours! The boss came back and she was ______________shocked that she fired me immediately! My first day was also my last!


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